
I have published research papers about explainable artificial intelligence, visual analytics, and gamification at international conferences and in scientific journals. Filter on your favourite topics with the buttons below.

AIED 2024: "Nudging Adolescents Towards Recommended Maths Exercises With Gameful Rewards"

Selection interface in Alchemath
First page of the AIED 2024 paper
Title slide of our presentation
This paper for the AIED 2024 conference is an outcome of the master's thesis by Joran De Braekeleer, which I guided and Katrien Verbert supervised. We studied how gamification can be used to nudge adolescents towards recommended exercises on a mobile app for practising math equations.

PhD thesis: "Explaining Artificial Intelligence With Tailored Interactive Visualisations"

Explainable AI
Visual Analytics
Cover of the thesis showing a black cube
Diagram of 6 screenshots of visualisation-based explanations
Diagram of 6 screenshots of visualisation-based explanations, classified as "visual analytics", "justification", and "control".
My PhD thesis focuses on human-centred explainable AI and presents 5 studies on how explainability can be established through visual analytics, visualisation-supported justification, and visualisation-supported control.

IUI 2023: "Steering Recommendations and Visualising Its Impact: Effects on Adolescents’ Trust in E-Learning Platforms"

Explainable AI
Visualisation of changes in mastery level
First page of the IUI 2023 paper
Slider to steer the difficulty of exercises
My paper with Leen Dereu for the IUI 2023 conference. It is based on Leen's master's thesis on a steering mechanism for recommended exercises. We studied how a control mechanism and a visualisation that depicts the control's impact affected adolescents' trust in a platform that recommends mathematics exercises.

Agriculture 2022: "Visually Explaining Uncertain Price Predictions in Agrifood: A User-Centred Case-Study"

Explainable AI
Visual Analytics
Screenshot of our responsive visual DSS during interaction: selecting a food product in the upper left search field and getting details about the price and date upon hovering over the line chart
First page Agriculture 2022 paper
Summary of the themes on usability, usefulness and needs, model understanding, and trust
My journal paper for Agriculture presents a prototypical visual decision support system that incorporates price prediction, uncertainty, and visual analytics techniques. Interviews and questionnaires suggest that user-centred approaches are key for increasing the uptake of visual decision support systems in agrifood.

IUI 2022: "Explaining Recommendations in E-Learning: Effects on Adolescents' Trust"

Explainable AI
Visual explanation for a recommended exercise
First page of the IUI 2022 paper
IUI 2022
My work with Shotallo Kato for the IUI 2022 conference, based on Shotallo's master's thesis. We studied the impact of explanations on adolescents' trust in a platform that recommends maths exercises.

WIREs 2021: "Explaining artificial intelligence with visual analytics in healthcare"

Explainable AI
Visual Analytics
Diagram of how visual analytics can explain AI in healthcare
First page of WIREs 2021 paper
Examples of shepherding, ordered by the level of integration in the visual analytics system
My advanced review for WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. It presents current approaches in healthcare for explaining artificial intelligence algorithms with visual analytics.

TREX 2021: "Trust in Prediction Models: a Mixed-Methods Pilot Study on the Impact of Domain Expertise"

Visual Analytics
Logo TREX 2021
First page of TREX 2021 paper
First slide of TREX 2021 presentation
My paper for the TREX workshop at the IEEE VIS 2021 conference. It is about how domain expertise influences people's trust in prediction models.

Practicing the right math: Enhancing trust in an e-learning platform using an explainable recommender system

Explainable AI
Explanation for a recommendation
Practice page on Shotallo's Wiski
List of exercises with personalised difficulty levels
A summary of Shotallo Kato's master's thesis, which I guided. The research focused on how explanations for recommended exercises affect adolescents' trust in a mathematics educational platform.

Uncertainty-aware price prediction: Trust and understandability

Visual Analytics
Fan charts for butter in France and Greece
Screenshot of the website announcing the webinar
Fan charts for chaddar in Ireland, Sweden, and the UK
Summary of my contribution to the EU BigDataGrapes project. I created a dashboard that visualises product prices, predicted prices, and uncertainty in the predictions.

CHI PLAY 2020: "Tailoring Gamification for Adolescents: a Validation Study of Big Five and Hexad in Dutch"

Tailoring gamification based on models and instruments
First page of the CHI PLAY 2020 paper
Picture of Ottawa, Canada
My first published paper, presented at the CHI PLAY 2020 conference. The analysis is based on the data that I collected for my Applied Informatics master's thesis.

Master's thesis: "Personalising motivational strategies and gamification techniques with recommender systems"

Practise page on Wiski
Logo Wiski
Profile page on Wiski
In my Applied Informatics master's thesis, I studied the impact of tailored gamification in the scope of mathematical education. This article summarises my research.